Thursday, June 4, 2009

did you know...

whoever got your facebook....

got your blog too?

oh, and he/she also has many passwords
and ways to get passwords
cause let's just face it
she's awesome

(oops, i said she...oh well.) 

keep track of your websites 'kiddo',
there's just no telling when one will disappear again. 
i'm thinking flickr is next. 

do you have back ups of your files? i'd get on that if i were you. 

goodbye clarice. 
i am a fucking jerk. 

kissed nine girls over the course of two years

cheated on one five times in a month

nah. we're not going there.

screw you nigel. screw you. 

Monday, January 12, 2009

The New xanga?


I have so much to do in life, but is it all for god?
I have to ask myself these questions daily to be certain my heart and mind are set on things eternal.

Band Photography
Sports photography
video games (that one, eh, not so much =P)

Where do you fit in all of that? Or rather...does all that, fit in YOUR plan for me.
Proverbs 19:21 says "many are the plans of a mans heart, but it is the lords purpose that prevails."
These things that become so important in my everyday walk need to take a step back behind what is the MOST important, giving god the glory.
Because really, it all comes down to that. If you give god the glory in everything that you do (I think I'm paraphrasing a philipians verse =P) wether it be thought, sports, family, friends, work, school, or just taking a couple steps outside your house...and looking at all that is around you. Marveling at the beauty that is merely outside this box society places us in.

Anyway, that's my first post. I think I'll go work on what I've talked about ;)